The Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #9 Foundation is committed to providing assistance to officers and their families in times of need. Our Foundation provides support and financial assistance in many areas, including:
Families of officers and members killed in the line of duty
Families of members who die while an active members of our lodge
Members in a financial crisis
Members and their families during a medical crisis
Mental health treatment
Emergency housing
Transportation needs
Other unforeseen circumstances
Our Foundation is there for members to use and is a great benefit, as we are committed to ensuring those who are the protectors are protected when in need. Not all of life's obstacles are planned; with our Foundation, members are assured that when an emergency occurs they can trust Lodge #9 will be there for them.
Our Foundation is funded by generous donations from the community, local businesses, and fundraising events. If you would like to make a donation to our foundation, please use the "Donate" link at the top of this page.
You can also mail donations to our lodge at 1201 Hawthorne Ln. Charlotte, NC 28205 - Attn: Foundation.
Donations may also be made in person however, we do request a time be scheduled to meet since our lodge is not always staffed. You may call 704-376-3838 or send us a message here.
Our Foundation is a registered 501 (c)(3).